Kathy Cooper Returns!


This is the 2nd year in a row that we have had Kathy visit twice. It’s remarkable how we all have had the chance to develop a personal connecting with her. I know we are all looking forward to seeing her. Thanks for an RSVP and your support. Cheers, Casey

Important Summer Changes

Please Read- the end relates some schedule changes. Dear Friends, Today is the Solstice and yesterday was the new moon. Both these coincidal events are auspicious, celestial occurrences and warrant celebration and exploration. The new moon is traditionally a good time to begin (or end) something and the Solstice marks the brightest point in the … Read more

Kathy Cooper Spring Workshop

The unadvertised Mysore portion of this WS is posted below. An rsvp by email or by phone to Near East Yoga is required for all classes with the exception of the Friday dharma talk. Please feel welcome to bring friends to the dharma talk. Cash payments are preferred, all checks can be made to Kathy … Read more

Spring 2012 Intro to Ashtanga Immersion

The objective of this 6-week immersion is to begin and sustain your own yoga practice. The results of this immersion will be the ability to safely remember and practice the method “by heart” on your own, or with direct supervision by a qualified instructor. Ashtanga Yoga or ashto (meaning eight) and anga (meaning arm or … Read more