Spring 2012 Intro to Ashtanga Immersion

The objective of this 6-week immersion is to begin and sustain your own yoga practice. The results of this immersion will be the ability to safely remember and practice the method “by heart” on your own, or with direct supervision by a qualified instructor.

Ashtanga Yoga or ashto (meaning eight) and anga (meaning arm or limb) was named by the late Sri K Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, South India. The Sanskrit term is derived from the ancient yoga text, “Patanjali Yoga Sutra” and denotes a path of Eight simultaneous actions taken by the aspirant desiring the fruits of yoga practice.

Mysore, South India is both the name of the location of the origin of the style and the method in which the style is practiced. The lineage dates back five generations and is first signified by “silent practice” of a sequence of postures linked together by inhaling and exhaling. The objective of the yogi is to practice the method with some regularity over a long period of time, thereby obtaining results.

A common block in developing a long lasting, self-practice is freeing the time and space to learn and apply the basics. In this setting, accompanied by other peers, the pressure is off to perform, and the chance at getting the practice down for yourself is on.

Each session will include progressive instruction of the practice and a discussion detailing the history of the lineage, benefits of practice, alignment and proper use of the body, essential Sanskrit jargon and key points on how to recall and remember the process.

The immersion will bean joyful hearted and informative opportunity open to anyone with a desire to practice. Thanks, Casey


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